Thursday, December 22, 2005

ERN ranks TRANSEARCH as 10th Largest Global Executive Search Firm

By TRANSEARCH International

Executive Recruiter News (ERN) recently released their rankings of the largest retained executive search firms in the world. ERN is a globally recognised foremost authority on executive recruiting. For the past 15 years TRANSEARCH International has consistantly been rated as a top 12 global retained search organisation.

Read the full press release 'ERN ranks TRANSEARCH as 10th Largest Global Executive Search Firm'.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Objectives: The Basics for Success

By Nahid Chicani

In an increasingly demanding and competitive market, to achieve professional success depends on planning, discipline, strength of will, capacity for adaptation and equilibrium. Successful people achieve success because, in the first place, they know exactly where they intend to go, set goals to be reached and then move in that direction.

The kind of activity or the stage of the career doesn’t matter - whether it is a young talent starting out on the road, or a professional who has already accumulated experience - these five requirements gain the strength of an axiom in the context of striving in the professional market. He who is entering the market must be clear about what will be required of him. Today, one foreign language is no longer sufficient, nor is a university diploma. A second of third language becomes a differential plus, as does an MBA or another specialization course, or even an international experience. The already-established professionals also suffer the same pressure, perhaps even greater, because they must permanently recycle their knowledge, since experience by itself is not a synonym for stability.

Read the full article 'Objectives: The Basics for Success'.